Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Almost 37 weeks and counting...

4-22-2009 We decided to start this blog since Gabi will be here soon and it will be difficult to communicate with everyone on how Gabi is doing.
Most of our family and close friends know about Gabi's diagnosis and know about everything up to this point. This blog is going to focus on the arrival of Gabi and her journey with CDH.

I have to say time is going so fast, I can not believe that in about 2 weeks our little girl will be here fighting for her life. I am so nervous and anxious not knowing what to expect since every CDH baby is different. We know the basics like she will be intubated right away in the next room and once stable she will be transferred down to the NICU. I hope I am able to see her even if for a moment. Fil will be able to watch as they stabilize her so he can let me know what is going on. Once she is stable in the NICU we can visit.
Then it begins... every hour is crucial and ever changing, no plans are made well in advance. We need her pressure to stay under control. We also need that lung tissue to be viable and work as it should. If not ECMO might have to step in to do the work for her and give her break. Even though we prefer not to use it, ECMO is required to keep her going.

I have an appt. on Friday for my routine tests, Biophysical, NST and OB exam. I am not sure but they might check if I am dilated but if not I know next week for sure. I will be 38 weeks by next Friday and depending on what they see I might be induced by 39 weeks.
All my tests have been great thus far.. the staff always informs me that Gabi looks great and shows off. I wish that meant she will do better when she enters this world.

Well there is a rough intro... I will post any news as it comes! Please keep Gabi in your thoughts and prayers! We appreciate it!



Gabi's Journey said...

Thinking of your family and your precious Gabriela!! Gabriela is in my prayers.

Hugs, Tracy - Ian's mom from Cherubs

Gabi's Journey said...

thanks for the blog:)Continued Prayers,love and well wishes,guys.. Elvi

Gabi's Journey said...

Just wanted to let you know that I stopped by to say hello and check on Gabi! She is almost here! I'm sending lots of positive thoughts and prayers your way as you wait for Gabby to arrive.

Braden's Mom

Gabi's Journey said...

Hi Joanninha & Fil! I came across this website on your FaceBook page. Definitely going to keep up to date on you and the baby. Can't wait to see you guys again! (muitos beijinhos para voces) =] Nancy