Monday, April 5, 2010

Chop visit and Screaming...

7-29-2009 Hi everyone,I will begin on a positive note, Gabi had a visit at CHOP on Monday for a follow-up with DR Hedrick(her surgeon) and to have a comprehensive hearing test. She had failed her test while in the hospital so they advised us to have another one done since the test is very sensitive and could have been inaccurate. Happy to say she passed both hearing tests, comprehensive and inner ear. This test had us worried but not because we were fearful of the results but because she had to be sleeping. Gabriella does not sleep much during the day and the week prior she had been crying/screaming on and off throughout the day. How in the world was she going to be quite and sleeping? She however did great, Fil held her while the audiologist performed the hour long test and was able to keep her sleeping for the entire time. YAY for Daddy, the "baby whisperer" as Christina (audiologist)called him She will only need to perform the test again at 8-10 months of age. We got to see one of Gabi's favorite nurse from the NICU before we headed home. She was such a good girl despite the long day! Can we possibly love her more?Now for the screaming section of this blog, As I explained earlier Gabi had been screaming/crying the past week. I am not sure what was going on.. I had thought it was reflux but she was not demonstrating the same symptoms as she had done before other then crying. However her crying did not seem to follow a pattern. She had a few good days but today it was right back to last week's episodes of "screaming by Gabi". I had called the doctor but SOL, they were done for the day, I will follow up tomorrow. I am wondering if her Omeprazole(prilosec) needs to be adjusted. It has not been changed since it was prescribed and she is over 11lbs now. Maybe it is reflux and her reactions to it are different? Does anyone know if this is possible? I am at a loss here, hopefully her doctors could shed some light. At the end of the day Gabi sleeps a couple of hours probably exhausted from crying half of the day. Poor thing I wish I could help her. Anyone if any mommies have advise about reflux or screaming episodes please HELP ME! Any advise will be greatly appreciated! Well let me take a long awaited nap before I have to pump again.. the saga never ends! Thanks again for reading and keeping Gabi in your thoughts! As always keep all CDH familes in your prayers!Love&Peace,Joanna


Gabi's Journey said...

I wish I had some insight to the crying. It can't hurt to weight adjust the prilosec and see if that helps. You could rule out the reflux that way.

I'll call you tomorrow. We fly back to TX today!
Holly 7-30-2009

Gabi's Journey said...

Happy news Gabi passed her hearing test!! Definitely ask the ped. if her meds need to be adjusted for her weight. Her weight goes up, her dose of acid reflux meds should go up too. Many prayers for your preciuos Gabi!

Tracy 7-30-2009