Monday, April 5, 2010

Some Ground Rules..

6-11-2009 Gabi had her pediatrician appt today and he was happy with her progress. She now weighs 8.8 pounds which was 8 ounces more than last week. He listened to her and noted that her lungs are working great. Our Gabi doe not cease to amaze us!He also made a point to mention if Gabi has been around children and the importance of her not having small visitors(children) for a time being because she is susceptible to illness. All babies are at risk but a common cold for Gabi can be more serious because she is not playing with a full deck of cards(having a smaller lung). So unfortunately I have to stick to my guns and not allow children to visit for now. He told us children can seem fine while visiting and the next day be sick and by then your child has been exposed so why put your child at risk. So I apologize in advice for being a drill sergeant but I have to do what is in the best interest for Gabriella. We are making sacrifices too... not going to parties or visiting friends and family or shopping so I hope that you can understand that Gabi needs time.I was happy when I left the office but the afternoon changed my mood.. Gabi began crying and fussing. Of course this has happened before but now she would cry in the middle of her feeds which she has not done. She would scrim and kick her legs with pain.. and we ended up tubing the rest. During that time u could hear her tummy rumble and soon after we were changing her diaper. She has some loose bowel movements which of course worries me because it could be related to a lot of things but most importantly dehydration. I am praying that she gets past this. It was definitely a hard day for her.. she had only small bouts of sleep interrupted by painful grimaces and then crying. It is so hard to see Gabi deal with gas and reflux pain..because there is nothing we can do to help her other than pat her back! Do other CDH mothers have any advice???Sorry for rambling but every time I think I could breathe easy something stops me...Thanks for checking in on Gabriella and keeping her in your prayers!Peace&LoveJoanna


Gabi's Journey said...

I wish I had some advice for you... Addisen didn't seem to be affected other than spitting up a LOT. I hope Gabi finds some relief soon!

Shauna - Mom to Addisen LCDH 12/10/03 6-12-2009

Gabi's Journey said...

I am the mother of Claire who is a cdh survivor. I used to pull her knees to her chest and gently rub her belly. that usually helped. Is she on formula or are u pumping? sometimes it could be the formula she has a very sensitive tummy so it may have to be changed. Not to scare you but Claire was having horrible pain at 5 months and began to throw up everything in her system. turns out she her bowel had obstructed just be on the look out for any of those symptoms please let me know how ur lil angel is doing.
Ashley Jackson 6-12-2009

Gabi's Journey said...

My baby (with no CDH) had a bad case of reflux. he's six months now and reflux is under control but it was very difficult. He cried and cried in pain for the first four months. Different medicines worked differently but we finally were prescribed zegerid and it worked beautifully. I'm sure your doctors know about this medicine. Your baby might be able to take it but I am not sure. Happy to hear that your baby is doing so well.
Alejandra 6-18-2009