Monday, April 5, 2010

It's been a while..

It has been a long time since I have written a update... so i apologize! I can not believe the summer is coming to an end! I feel as if this summer was a blur, taking care of Gabi and just spending time with her. We really did not go out as much just because I want to be cautious with Gabi. Now the Fall is around the corner and I am going to act like a neurotic mom! With the rise of the swine and seasonal flu I am really going to be tough with visitors, and children are going to have to keep their distance especially if they are in school. When coming for a visit please wash your hands and then use sanitizer first thing before saying hello to Gabi! I really should not have to ask you to do it. Our families and friends are going to have to understand that this is what is best for Gabriella and if they do not then oh well! I know this might sound harsh but I would do the same for others! Gabi is due for her 4month check up/vaccines, I am going to speak to the doctor on what vaccines he recommends for us. I am going back to work very soon and since I work with people I have to be extra careful. Anyway enough ranting...Our sweet Gabi has been doing well.. she has her moments but what baby doesn't. She will be having an early intervention evaluation in the upcoming week by a PT and or OT. Developmentally I believe she is doing well but there are some things she has trouble with, mostly fine motor skills and lying prone. We will see what the therapist say and what suggestions they offer. We are so blessed... When I think about what could have been I cry. I find myself thinking about our time in Philly. Days that I was in our apartment while Fil as working thinking about Gabriella's arrival. I was so terrified we were going to lose her and now here she is defying all odds! I am grateful everyday to God that our angel is here on Earth.The day is beautiful here and Gabi loves being outside so time for a walk!I want to ask everyone to keep Ireland and MJ's family in your prayers for they have earned their angel wings. Continue to pray for the many babies fighting to live!Peace&Love,Joanna


Gabi's Journey said...

Espero que tudo corra sobre rodas e que a Gabriela siga forte na vida.
Do primo Alexandre 9-2-2009