Saturday, April 3, 2010

Surgery Date is here WOW

5-12-2009 Thank you all for the much needed support that everyone has been given us. We are sorry that we have not updated the blog as often as we wanted, but it has been a hectic several days. Joanna is recovering well from her surgery, she has had headaches off and on but she has been amazing.

The last 2 days have been good days for Gabriella, she is such fighter, the doctors have called her "A Rock Star". She had a pick line put in yesterday and she handled it without issues. As of right now we have the surgery set for today 5/13 at 2:15, which is a amazing feat itself that she has coming this far as quick as she has. Please pray that she stays strong like she has been during and after the surgery. We will put up a update as soon as we can. When we get back to our apartment sometime end the end of this week we should be able to upload the pictures. We just have issue download the pictures from CHOP network.

Thank you again for all your support,


Gabi's Journey said...

Congratulations! I've been following along with amazement at the strength show by all, especially Gabi. She seems amazing now, I'm sure the experience will make her the strongest kid anywhere. She's already earned a lot of respect and admiration from anyone that knows her. Best wishes for continued success!! Rick Bloomer 5-28-2009

Gabi's Journey said...

Gabi is awesome! She has made it through surgery, she is a tough little cookie, and she will continue to be strong with whatever comes her way. Can't wait to c her. Love Cindy,Rui 5-13-2009

Gabi's Journey said...

So glad to hear that she is a rock star. Feel better Joanna. Sending good energy and love to all of you. Kathy Fulham 5-13-2009

Gabi's Journey said...

That is awesome news about Gabriella, I think the ears (which she gets from me by the way) are the source of her rock starness...:-) Alex 5-13-2009

Gabi's Journey said...

Our thoughts and prayers are with you. Irma 5-13-2009

Gabi's Journey said...

Praying that Gabi has a very successful operation and repair and an easy post-op!!! She is doing very well!! Praying that Joanna feels better soon.

Thinking of you, Tracy - Ian's m om 5-13-2009

Gabi's Journey said...

Rock Star Status for Gabby...wonderful news! It's great that you have a surgery date already. We will continue to keep Gabby in our thoughts and prayers. Thanks for the update!

Sarah Mayer 5-13-2009